
…i owe Mother Sai…all that i am and ever will be…
As my journey of existence…my essence…as it commenced a fresh span upon Earth…my parents christened me – jullie chaudhuri, and devotedly went about to nurture me through all climes…now, i realise deeply that my soul, shrugging all confines…chose to be born in exalted times – the era of Sai…Sathya Sai…Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai.

Thanks to Father…Krishna lodged Himself in my heart in early childhood…the Lord had made His debut…and as i grew…as adolescence encircled me…Mother through her bhakti…led me straight to Sai…gradually, as i came into my own…upon piercing inquiry…at the right time…shades of Krishna blue…took on orange hues…tenacity won…Krishna and Sai merged as One…

…All that i am and ever will be…is all due to the presence of Beloved Mother Sai in my life… through lifetimes.
…You must have beckoned me through epochs gone by…as Rama, as Krishna, as Jesus, as Allah, as Shirdi Sai…now on the bed of my karma as i lie…i can only think of You, Oh! Mother Sai…

Ever since i can remember there was a question in my mind – what more is there to life – childhood, school, college, job, marriage, children and then what…?
The answer lay at the Divine Lotus Feet that swept me off on a voyage of awareness and love…about a higher purpose to everything and a cosmic connection with all.

From the ‘Sarva Dharma Stupa’…to ‘Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu’…inclusive of the expansive meaning in the ‘All’ of ‘Love All, Serve All’…to love and gratitude, compassion and service that extends to all of creation, a true brotherhood under His Fatherhood…His simplicity so appealingly universal and so universally appealing…ceaselessly and compellingly attracts me…and i persist and persevere on – a spiritual urchin seeking refinement in Mother Sai’s Ocean of Light…an eternal  student in the cosmic classroom whose graduation day is nowhere in sight…

Every line upon these pages is a dedication, every word an offering of love to that Supreme Presence…every sentiment is a garland of adoration offered to the Beloved One…consisting fragrant petals that represent what every devout heart feels.

All i can say to Mother Sai is – Tum Shwas Ho, Tum Pass Ho, Tum Vishwas Ho…You are my very breath, You are my faith, You are as close as close can be…

Care for Life, Concern for Nature, Love and Reverence for all Creation.
Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu. Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu.
Peace for all in the Universe…Peace for all beings…for me and you…

6 Responses to About

  1. swami avadhootananda says:

    julie ,you are amazing! i am sure baba loves you so much! you are a divine soul completely merged with baba!
    swami avadhootananda

  2. Soni Sakhrani says:


    I too owe each and everything to Swami as He is my dharkan. In Spanish we say – si me caigo tu me levantas …. If I fall YOU lift me. That is what Swami does for me, I live only for Him. He is my everything.


  3. Lrao says:

    Such fabulous poetry! Amazing and uplifting. Blissful reading your poems.

  4. Pravin R Gareeb says:


    Swami our Saviour and Guardian
    Thou art our master and educator
    Baba you are special and unique to us
    Remove all limitations from us and give us strength
    Lead us daily in the right path
    Swami eradicate all aches and sorrows
    Bhagawan obliterate all forms of vices and sins
    Bestow us with righteous, virtuous and positive qualities
    Communicate brightness that will bring joyfulness into our lives
    Give us intelligence, God realization and insight
    Swami bless us daily with peace of mind.

    Poem written by Pravin R Gareeb

  5. Pravin R Gareeb says:

    Christmas is the tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is our fervent wish that every cup may overflow with the Divine’s and our richest blessings and that every path may lead to peace, love and happiness.

    Christmas, a season to share true contentment, love Swami
    Honour Bhagawan in your heart and keep him all the year thru’
    Remember Swami engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love
    Infinite glory to the Lord, peace and joy to all
    Shine like a gem with prized diamonds
    The enchantment of Christmas, stars and angels, make good cheers
    May your treasures be laughter, happy memories and friendship
    Abundant joy to brighten your life beyond 2012
    Seasons wishes with good health, fortunes and spiritual prosperity

    -Pravin R Gareeb

  6. Abhay Kolhe says:

    The depth of your understanding of the cosmic realm is what will take you through the chakravyuh of what we call “jivan”. Love always!

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