When Sri Radha Played The Flute For Krishna…

Each Beat Of My Heart…Whispers Krishna…Krishna…

It was a day to celebrate…
…the glorious magnanimity of fate,
All of Brindavan was in a hustle and bustle…
From dusk to dawn…sunrise to sunset,
Amidst joyous merriment they rejoiced…
…at their blessed kismet –
A most auspicious date…
…that jubilantly proclaimed the birth…
…of their cherished frolicsome Gopala…

Sri Radharani played the flute,
For Her Krishna…
Captivating, enthralling, entrancing…
…ever so charming a sound,
A theme of absolute surrender and renounce…
…did resound,
Where each beat of the heart whispered…
…only the Divine Name –
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna,
Madhusudhana, Mukunda, Madhava,
O! Priyatama, Priyavar, Most Beloved Kanha…

What a Celestial Celebration,
A perfect commemoration,
Being a part of it none could resist,
Leaning against a tree in that serene emerald grove…
…His Lotus Eyes brimming…
…Even Krishna seemed merged in perfect bliss,

As Sri Radha’s breath made the flute come alive…
…a wondrous feeling of divinity for all beings…
…it purposefully did revive…

The melody of the flute…
…enchanted all the beings in the forest…
…around Brindavan…
Fresh flowers blossomed as if in silent salute,
In deep wonderment…
…multihued birds were struck mute,
The waters of the holy Yamuna…
…swirled and surged in lively indulgence,
Elated at this spontaneous Grace in abundance,
Clouds gathered in the blue sky,
A light gentle drizzle followed,
A cascade of joy…
…buoyant and effervescent joy…
…through the environment did magnify,
Oh! What a wondrous sight,
Peacocks pirouetted in sheer delight,
Animals pranced and danced about…
…peering from behind the innumerable evergreen trees,
Sweet whispers murmured by one and all…
…was scattered by the gentle breeze –
O! Kanha…O! Hrudayawasa…
Every beat of the heart delightfully chants…
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna…
O! Infinite One, O! Ananta…
…of Ananda…of Bliss…of Daya…of Mercy…
…of Karuna…of compassion…
…O! Krishna…You are a limitless reservoir…

The music of Sri Radha’s flute is extraordinary…
…exquisite and empoweringly matchless,
For She is One with Her Beloved Krishna,
She is not merely playing a musical instrument,
She is absorbed in the Song of Creation,
And the song of creation…
…knows only the rhythm and lyrics of Love…
…Love…pure, amaranthine and pristine…
Love…that shapes, moulds, combines and aligns,
Love that does divinity enshrine…
Love that is beyond description…
…and any kind of human definition,
Sri Radha is eternal and infinite…
…and so is the sound the flute emits…
…when She chooses to raise it to Her Divine Lips,
Fascinating and timeless…
…reflecting the shimmer of Cosmic Effervesce,
That is when,
Everything and everyone blends into the Divine…
…their own inherent divinity…
The truth of their spiritual nature…
…the tranquillity, the equanimity,
The awareness of Krishna within each one,
The Oneness with Krishna within,
An Awakening to the Radha ‘bhav’…
…the sentiment, the propensity, the natural inclination…
…the intense spiritual attitude,
Lying dormant in the inner core,
Has to be stirred, aroused, kindled to the fore,
That is the day of His true birth for all,
That is the response to Sri Krishna’s Perennial Call,
This is what should occur for you and me…
If only we tune in…listen in…
…in hushed silence intently,

When Sri Radha plays the flute for Her Krishna,
On Janamashtami!

Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu…Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu…
Santushti For Samastha Shrishti…Peace And Contentment For All Of Creation…

About For Beloved Mother Sai

Breathing 'Beloved' Every Single Moment Of Living!!! Tum Shwaas Ho!...Tum Pass Ho!!...Tum Vishwaas Ho!!!
This entry was posted in A Melody Sublime, Abso'flute'ly Yours, Divine Romance, Eternal Celebrations, Radha- The Adhaar Of Krishna, Song Of The Flute, Sri Krishna and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to When Sri Radha Played The Flute For Krishna…

  1. Tarun kanti ghosh says:

    Osadharon 👌👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. tarunkanti ghosh says:

    Osadharon 🙏🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌👌🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️

    On Wed, 1 Sep, 2021, 12:09 AM For Beloved Mother Sai, wrote:

    > For Beloved Mother Sai posted: “Each Beat Of My Heart…Whispers > Krishna…Krishna… It was a day to celebrate… …the glorious magnanimity of > fate, All of Brindavan was in a hustle and bustle… From dusk to > dawn…sunrise to sunset, Amidst joyous merriment they rejoiced… …at their > bles” >

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