Dare To Care…Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu…

…Dedicated to all the homeless animals…

All you homeless animals who have…
…given me…
…and innumerable others too…

…a loving home…in Your Heart,
Of me…you remain an indivisible part,
Even those fascinating…
…four-legged, winged or finned ones…
,…with whom I have not…as yet…
…had the great good fortune to interact,
With all of you,
I have indeed an invisible Cosmic Pact,
I love and cherish u deeply,
I appreciate your presence…
…upon this most wonderfully perfect planet totally…

Often when we meet I can actually see you grin,
And I am bathed in the vibrant energy…
…your pure love does spin,
You add so much wonder and delight to my life,
So much learning too…do I derive,
None can surpass you in gratitude and loyalty,
You bear your pain and all else so stoically,
You live your life…bearing all storms…
…intuitively, independently, bravely,
And you seem quite content…
…never greedy,
You can teach kindness to mankind,
The spontaneous flow of love from you…
…cannot be fathomed by the finite human mind,
You are more human than most born with that title,
Your presence in my life…

All of you who are called homeless,
In my heart…
…I hold space for you…
…I dare to care for you…
As much as you care for me…
No animal can be called a stray…
…for you all belong to the One Supreme…
The Almighty lives through you…
…As much as He does through…
…all born in the human race too,
All you beautiful beings in creation,
You may not have a home…
…made of bricks and stone,
But you are never alone,
The Sunrays caress you,
And Moonbeams dance for you,
The stars twinkle for you,
The elements five nourish you too,
The water of the river is refreshingly there for you,
You breathe in the same air as I do, don’t you?
You are not different from me, are you?
Mother Earth adores you,
You all are her children…
…as well as that of the Creator,
My love encircles you too…
…know this to be true…

The same Atma that resides in me…
…resides in you,
…I dare to care for you…
I love and cherish you deeply,
As much as you show your affection for me…
God bless you all…all the while…abundantly.
And…you, dear ones…
…who are reading these lines here and now…
…a lot of love is being wafted to you too,
Kindly continue to share your love with all life forms around you,
The Grace of Oneness, Peace and Joy…
God bless all, God bless you,
Peace and contentment for all beings,
Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu!

Santushti For Samastha Shrishti…Peace and Contentment For All Of Creation…

About For Beloved Mother Sai

Breathing 'Beloved' Every Single Moment Of Living!!! Tum Shwaas Ho!...Tum Pass Ho!!...Tum Vishwaas Ho!!!
This entry was posted in All Creatures Both Great and Small, Animals Have Feelings Too, Creator And Creation, Feelings, Harmony Of Compassion, Heart Full Of Love, Maitri Bhav - Kindred Spirit, Oneness, Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu, Santushti For Samastha Shrishti, Teaching Of Love And Compassion To All Creation and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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