O! Joy Of My Soul…Respond To The Call Of My Heart…

You are the joy of my soul,
O! Beloved Mother Sai,
And You…
…are the One my heart calls out to,
Every breath knows Your Presence,
In all that is around…
…all that surrounds,
Every bit exudes Your Essence,
These eyes long for Your Darshan,
And why shouldn’t they?
Ever so delightfully have they…
…witnessed Your All-Powerful Advent…
…the unfolding of Your Divine Play,
Have not the ears been so blessed to hear…
…astonishing experiences that devouts…
…from all over the world convey?
It is a natural attraction of the individual soul…
…for You…O! Soul Supreme…
O! Most Loving Cosmic Stream,
O! Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai,
Nothing in this material world can…
…this intense craving…this tender sentiment fulfil…
…quench, pacify or satisfy,
Emulating the longing of Tukaram, Namdev…
…Andal and Meerabai,
There is an overwhelming yearning for You…
…for that Ultimate Oneness…
…along with Your Darshans too…O! Beloved Mother Sai,
Come, O! Cherished One, Fulfil Your Word,
Come for me…come to me…
…come before me, talk to me,
A Prayer cushioned with every heartbeat…
…adorns Your Petal Soft Lotus Feet,
A Plea from all of existence…
…through the ether in profound silence,
Scaling all dimensions,
Come, Come, Come,
Light up the globe…each being…
…with the magnificent shower…
…of Your All-Embracing, Ever Expansive Love…
…Your Enlightening Presence,
Thus so does every breath reverentially, adoringly exclaim,
Having awakened to the mesmeric melody of Your Sacred Name,
Come, Come, Come,
O! Precious One…Beloved Mother Sai,
I beseech Your Benevolence, a Blessing Everlasting,
That Cosmic Boon,
Benedictions of Your Sweet Darshans graciously do impart,
O! Joy of my soul…
…I implore You…
…here and now…kindly respond to the call of my heart…

About For Beloved Mother Sai

Breathing 'Beloved' Every Single Moment Of Living!!! Tum Shwaas Ho!...Tum Pass Ho!!...Tum Vishwaas Ho!!!
This entry was posted in A Blessing Everlasting, Awaiting You, Beloved Mother Sai, Bhagawan and Bhakt, Divine Reunion, God And i, Heart Full Of Love, Prayer Of The Soul, The Presence, Thinking Of You, Your Name and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to O! Joy Of My Soul…Respond To The Call Of My Heart…

  1. Tarun kanti ghosh says:

    🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️Wonderful as always 💐💐💐

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