Little Darling…A Tribute To Sai Gita…

This dedication to Sai Gita made its debut in the book – ‘Mother Sai’ offered to Beloved Mother Sai in November 2010

The Master, the Lord of the Universe,
Had tears in His Lotus Eyes?
Everything we have experienced of Him,
That He has allowed us to,
This act defies…
Yet, it is so,
Emotions did flow,
What did this tremendous flow show?
To what did it open the door?
Lessons to be learned,
So much to be discerned,
Lessons of kindness, tolerance, compassion,
Acceptance, purity, reciprocation,
Above all – a lesson saturated in love,
For Sai Gita to live this expansive love was more than enough…

She was a gift from the animal kingdom,
To the Lord of the Universe in Human Form,
Her story unfolded to show…
…just for Him was she born…
Her life, her focus, her core,
Her everything was – Swami, Swami, Swami,
And…this was a lesson for the rest of humanity…

A lesson of an ideal relationship,
Between Creator and creation,
Of what to choose and what to shun,
No other attraction,
And especially no distraction,
Complete absorption,
Reaching a pinnacle of devotion,
A bond so touching,
And…a reciprocation so fulfilling…
This grand soul did,
What we humans couldn’t do,
This monumental example…
…with matchless devotion as her clue,
Brought glory to the animal kingdom,
And did us all stun,
For…she did win the Heart of the Lord,
Welling tears in the Eyes of our Living God…

To wake us up this was a clarion call,
A supreme lesson for us all,
Her life, Her love, Her devotion,
A colossal lesson for all,
When Bhagawan came as Sri Ram,
And, witnessed the passing of that valiant bird,
He performed the last rites…
…highlighting the glory of Jatayu,
Now, from the self-same Divine Hands,
Of this, His present Avataric Form,
Sai Gita got her befitting due…
…and a most Divine Adieu…
(Sai Gita passed on into the effulgent evergreen glades of the Forevermore…on 22 May 2007…leaving us all with wondrous memories and recollections of her Transcendental, Celestial Connection…with Mother Sai…)


About For Beloved Mother Sai

Breathing 'Beloved' Every Single Moment Of Living!!! Tum Shwaas Ho!...Tum Pass Ho!!...Tum Vishwaas Ho!!!
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