Sai Baba Bolo…Sai Baba Bolo…

These lines below reflect lyrics that are sensitively eloquent…beautifully interwoven in a Hindi devotional melody…that attract a deep resonance within me…forming a forever favourite flow.
An English translation is attempted here being guided by sheer soul appeal.
The Sai of Shirdi chose 15th October 1918 for His Samadhi…leaving a trail of gloom…and then, joy once again surfaced for earth beings when during His Appearance as  Sai of Parthi, the Supreme Personality of Godhead chose to decisively assert His Advent in the Physical on 20th October 1940…at the tender age of 14 years. Bathed in blinding rays of a splendorous halo…His Voice reverberated through the ether as He emphatically proclaimed –
I am no longer your Sathya. I am Sai.  I am going; I do not belong to you. Maya has gone… My Bhakthas are calling Me…I have My Work…I can’t stay any longer.

This year these subtly impactful events unfold thus –
Samadhi…Advent…Declaration of the Avatar…
…and in between the festival of Lights – Deepavali…depending on the inclination…humankind is being made to spiral towards destinations and dimensions unknown, yet known…pertaining to the world…yet, mystical… spiritual…heavenly associations…a fastening of a Divine Bond…with the One Who is Boundless…to that Ultimate Source…may we be eternally bound…and know ourselves to be free…

Sai Baba Bolo…Sai Baba Bolo…
Dagmag Jag Ye Dol Raha Hai,
Aasan Se Mat Dolo…
The world is trembling off its axis…
…teetering, floundering, losing equilibrium…
…amidst tumultuous turmoil…
O! Lord, we beseech Thee…
…do not shift or move away from Your Seat…
…from Your Abode…
Aankhe Sukhi, Mann Rotaa Hai,
Baba Hamara Kyon Sotaa Hai,
Kholake Aankhe,
Dekh Ley Baba,
Tere Bina Yahan Kya Hota Hai…
Though the eyes seem dry,
Profuse are the tears…
…that the inner core sheds …
…lamenting, questioning, enquiring…
Grief stricken devotees weep…
…as they watch You, Dear Baba…
…seeming so distant in deep sleep…

Open Your Eyes, Sweet Lord…
…it is paramount…that You do so…
Observe all the adverse occurrences…
…ever so dismal, appalling, dreadful and unsound…
…that are taking place…
…with You gone…when You are not around…

Laut Ke Aaja Sai Hamare,
Apni Aankhe Kholo…
You are ours,
There is none else but You…
…nor is there a need for anyone else,
Come back, come back to us,
Dearly Beloved Sai…
Open Your Lotus Eyes,
Enveloped in melancholy…
…adoring hearts beg and plead Thee…
Thus do they in torment…
…express rue…
…and beseechingly cry…
…appealing to You…for You…

Tu Toh Rehmat Khuda Ki Sai,
Tu Toh Muhabbat Khuda Ki Sai,
Tu Toh Kudrat Khuda Ki Sai,
Tu Toh Soorat Khuda Ki Sai,
Tum Bin Jeevan Zehr Hai Sai…
Aabe Zam Zam Gholo…
Sai Baba Bolo…

You are the Highest Mercy,
You…the Purest Love,
You…are the Transcendental Revelation…
…the Sovereign Miracle…
…the Benediction of Creation…
Your very Nature…Your Essence…
…Your Manifestation is Supreme and Divine…
Your Enchanting Visage…
Your Delightful Countenance…
…is the Face of God Most High…
We yearn for You…
…Life is akin to poison…
…stark, barren…bereft of any meaning without You…
Come…shower…spray…sprinkle upon us all…
…waters from the Heavenly Spring…
Of Your Darshan…
…we await that momentous blessing…

This is a song from the film Shirdi Ke Sai Baba released in 1977 wherein devotees soaked in ardent emotions try to rouse Baba out of His Samadhi…as He lay apparently lifeless for 72 hours. This incident occurred in 1886 during Margashirsh Pournima…full moon night which falls in the Hindu month of Margashirsh…mostly in December. This was Shirdi Baba’s first Samadhi.
(It is said that the entire cast of this movie had received Bhagawan’s blessings during the process of film making.)

This is the 100th year of Shirdi Sai Samadhi. Tuesday, 15th October in 1918 was the auspicious day of Dussehra that Baba chose for His crossing over or seemolanghan. This year it occurred during a run up to Diwali…a day to celebrate awareness…enlightenment…when darkness is overcome with light…when ignorance is destroyed by the flame of knowledge…when good triumphs over evil…signifying a spiritual renaissance, insight, illumination and expansion of consciousness…the victory of hope over despair…a day of homecoming and reunion when Sri Rama and Mother Sita return to Ayodhya…a time for attainments and revival…that fills my heart…and i am certain innumerable fervently dedicated hearts too…with a deep longing for darshan…for the ultimate conquest of profound shraddha and saburi…persistent faith and patience of all those devout…knowing and surrendering all sentiments to the Will of God…the Supreme Resolve.
Allah Malik as Baba so often uttered!
Ae Malik…Sai…Sai Rehem Nazar…O! Lord…Almighty Master…Beloved Sai…we steadfastly seek merciful glances from Thy Lotus Eyes…

The lines from this song echo, resound…
…and stir my soul…
…with many a wondrous feeling…
…with joy…sheer nostalgic bliss brimming…
…a hymn that links me completely to Him…
…a melody so appropriate…
…intertwined intricately with my fate…
…a sentiment of déjà vu…
O! My Sai…come back…
…all of shrishti is awaiting You…
These sentiments of devotion…
…interlaced with ardent absorption…
…surging immensely with buoyant faith…
…and hope replete,
Are unfalteringly abiding, pleading…
…adoring and adorning Thy Lotus Feet…

About For Beloved Mother Sai

Breathing 'Beloved' Every Single Moment Of Living!!! Tum Shwaas Ho!...Tum Pass Ho!!...Tum Vishwaas Ho!!!
This entry was posted in Awaiting You, Beloved Mother Sai, Bhagawan and Bhakt, Creator And Creation, Divine Reunion, Diwali...A Celebration Divine, End This Wait Eternal, Feelings, Heart Full Of Love, Hope - An Eternal Whisper, Hymns Of Adoration, Longing To See You, The Sai Of Shirdi, Thinking Of You. Bookmark the permalink.

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