Sadhana Aradhana 2023…Days 14/15/16/17/18/19/20

Dear Children of Divine Luminescence…for that is our truth…apologies for posting these pages late…have been totally involved in taking care of a beautiful soul, yet another ray from that same luminosity – Zorro…our almost 15-year-old four-legged, furry precious family member, a brave heart…who has battled many an issue since mid-2022…and his struggle is still on. Yet, he is an inspiration showing us all…whoever he meets…that come what may take the next step forward, live till the last breath…don’t let go before that. If any being has zest for life…he has. Incidentally, both of Zorro’s parents – Mowgli and Betty too, were an adorable part of our life. He has cataracts in both his eyes, has had a major stomach surgery, tick fever, uti…arthritis…the list of what besieges him seems endless…yet this most valiant senior citizen battles on. His spirit is undauntable…and dear Zorr…a divine gift presented to us a decade plus 4 years and 10 months ago…is a priority. Hence this delay.

That sequence speaks of Zorro’s journey…as he now prepares to merge back into the Eternal Cosmic Luminosity. The time is known only to our Beloved Lord. At this juncture, all our love and prayers are so significant for him.

Now, as Sadhana Aradhana continues –

The artwork and design for all the pages reflect the creative genius of Brother Ramdas Kasav from Pune, India. So truly blessed by Mother Sai is he!
So much love flows to all of you. May Mother Sai bless all with peace, good health and harmony.
Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu
Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu
Santushti For Samastha Shrishti…Contentment For All Of Creation…

Jai Sai Ram!

About For Beloved Mother Sai

Breathing 'Beloved' Every Single Moment Of Living!!! Tum Shwaas Ho!...Tum Pass Ho!!...Tum Vishwaas Ho!!!
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