Eternal Sanctity – Cosmic Tribute

Prashanti Nilayam

The Holiest Place in the Cosmos. The region the Lord chose as His Dwelling. Where every particle of dust rejoices in divine memories; where every inch of space, every leaf, every flower, every atom is charged with the joy of the Supreme Presence; where birds chirp a divine chorus on the myriad trees that play host to them. Where millions flock from across the globe…making it the largest congregation at any one place of worship…at any given time…of people belonging to different faiths, beyond any barriers of caste, creed or culture – a Mecca for some, a Gurudwara for others, a Temple for many, a Church too, and so on. Beloved Bhagawan’s Love is the magnet that draws one and all and the power of His Words that firmly assert – “There is only one caste – the caste of Humanity; there is only one religion – the religion of Love; there is only one language – the language of the Heart; there is only one God and He is Omnipresent.”

It’s all about love and spirituality, selfless service and sacrifice.

Cosmic Tribute

27th April 2011, will go down in the annals of the Universe as the day life came to a stand still for millions across the globe, as the Avatar’s Physical Frame was laid to rest in Sai Kulwant Hall at Prasanthi Nilayam.

Dark clouds of gloom that covered the planet as the Ocean of Compassion and Selfless Love chose to bid adieu to Mother Earth…could be lifted only by winds of determination, fuelled by the need to envelope every atom of the Universe with His Eternal Legacy of Love All, Serve All; Help Ever, Hurt Never.

As Parthi geared up for this agony of physical separation, its inhabitants played host to the rapidly increasing populace of devotees who flocked for a last glimpse of the Dearest One. Though the restaurants were official closed, wholesome food was prepared and served, along with water…to the thronging thousands standing in the scorching sun in queues that stretched for more than 20 kms. Even as the rays of the sun blazed forth and enveloped the area paying homage…the moon too was spotted in the sky beaming a tribute…a Cosmic Tribute. Mother Nature sent forth fragrant floral offerings of unmatched colors, on behalf of creation at the Lotus Feet of their Cherished Creator – Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

The Memorial Service for this earth shattering event began with soulful devotional songs reverberating through the ether. The Melodious Odes to the Divine Mother – Beloved Sai Maa, left every heartbroken…with little rivulets flowing from the eyes of all. While some surrendered to the Supreme Will of Bhagawan, there were innumerable heart rending sighs and pangs of despair…when the Divine Casket was lifted from where it had been placed in state…to be carried for the final ceremony.

Here too, the Beloved One was teaching a profound lesson – that which comes into being has to depart too. He was always the ‘Dehi’ – the Radiant Indweller…blissful, infinite and unaffected and not the ‘deha’ – the gross material body.

From the highly placed dignitary…to the lay devotee to the students – the cherished property of the Master…to the rustic aficionado…clearly Bhagawan reigned as the Precious Beloved in every soul.

Spiritual leaders from various sects were invited to read out their prayers keeping in mind that Beloved Swami incessantly promoted the harmony of religions – “There is only one religion, the religion of Love”.

Sai Kulwant Hall echoed with intonations from Judaism; verses from Christian texts and Baha’i; adoration from Islam and veneration too, from the entire fraternity for the His ceaseless humanitarian efforts; rich baritones of hymns from Buddhism; and words of reverence from Sikkhism, wherein the entire congregation was asked to stand, as a mark of deep regard.

As a sign of profound respect and honor, the Indian National Flag was placed on the Divine Casket, even as a gun salute echoed through the environment.

The priests then began the consecration ceremony. Water had been procured from all the holy water sources through the length and breadth of the Motherland…from the rivers a loving offering at the Lotus Feet.

There were some parts of these sacred rites and rituals which were to be conducted in privacy…as suggested by the priests, and so, a brilliant drape in a semi circle pattern, rendered the enclosure private. As the priests chanted the specific chants, Sai Gayatri resounded through the atmosphere energizing it immensely. It felt as though a host of celestial beings unseen to the human eye hailed this overwhelming moment and showered many a fragrant flower…as they watched the unfolding of this significant scene of the Divine Drama. The cosmos too worshipped the material manifestation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Even as the red cloth screen was gently lowered, it seemed to signify curtains for the Glorious Era of the Avatar. God had descended for mankind to ascend, choosing to take upon His Manifested Form, many an individual, collective, colossal, as well as cosmic ailment which could otherwise have a disastrous effect on the person, the nation, the world…and the universe. Natural disasters and human follies; nuclear leaks and human neglects and errors; the decay of a planet and human sloth, slumber and excesses go hand in hand and reflect on the material body of the Compassionate One.

The Physical Frame of the Beloved of millions was gently lowered into the special Samadhi prepared for It, under the watchful eyes of Ganesha. The devoted gathering streamed ahead to pour sacred ash into this Divine Samadhi, rendered now as the holiest among shrines on the planet, for nowhere else in the world was any one ‘Person’ worshipped and adored by a such a vast multitude…belonging to various religions at any given point of time.

And so, we question ourselves was this divine departure sudden? Or, as with everything else that unfolded in the earthly life of Bhagawan, it had been planned with precision which only the Master could master? The Lord gave many a hint but the import was lost on most of us.

Let us stroll over to the evening of 20th March 2011, where Beloved Bhagawan gently floated in for divine darshan, in His four wheeled chariot. Even as the tempo of bhajans increased and the Lord showered love and many a blessing…He received spellbound adoration from the devoted gathering. To the glee of the devotees…He took two full rounds of the hall. The bliss increased! It was the festival of ‘Holi’ and there were a distinct group of men and women from Bihar, where this day is celebrated gaily. At the far end of the Hall, many stood up on their feet to have that special glimpse and perhaps a glance from Him. Bhagawan interacted with the students and tossed vibhuti packets to them playfully.

The rounds over, once it reached the verandah, the doors of the chariot opened and all eyes were glued to this Resplendent Figure in orange hues.  What a moment to behold…as the car seat smoothly maneuvered itself to touch Mother Earth and then was gently glided along to take its position on the podium. It was then the turn of students, who were fortunate enough to celebrate their birthday that evening, to have a special tête-à-tête with Beloved Bhagawan.

Soon its time for Aarti followed by Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu. The joyful moment is prolonged and…in a few seconds there is the much coveted double Abhaya Hasta. Even as the audience sighs at this benediction there is a stunning gesture from Bhagawan. With palms joined together akin to a namaskar, He holds up His Arms, first towards the gathering at the gents side and then slowly towards the ladies side. Unprecedented, extraordinary unique…and thought provoking too. But overlooked. The implications ignored.

The Lord of the Universe raising His Palms in salutation…? Was it an adieu, a leave taking, a farewell, a sayonara, an ‘auf weidersehen’, an arrivederci, an adios…? Was it a reminder to – ‘See Me in all…’, a divine prompt to salute the One behind the many in all life forms…as we journey through life…? Or was it a gesture of gratitude…even as Sri Rama showed gratitude to the squirrels, the vanara sena – the monkey brigade and to that valiant bird Jatayu? That is known only to Him. The hearts of those who were watching Bhagawan’s every move, plummeted towards the ground…a sort of a chill entering every cell of the being.

And now as we are faced with this immeasurable void of the Glorious Form of our Beloved Lord…the unbearable silence…the inexplicable grief…the immense emptiness…the unanswered whys?…the anguished ‘why couldn’t He ?’…the steady stream of tears…the shock of the suddenness…the silent acceptance…all of it has its answer in the concluding scene of this erstwhile darshan.

The Beloved One had given a hint but it was not reflected upon deeply. We heard Him but did we listen…?

We saw but did not want to face or believe…or perhaps wanted to avoid…like the ostrich that buries its head in the sand…only to be buried by the sands of time…

Yet, in hushed silence from the deep inner core…a whispered feeling irrepressibly does grow and flow…here is One Who is Boundless…beyond anything and everything…any law of the universe…thus, there is much more…much more…the era of Sathya Sai has much more in store.

About For Beloved Mother Sai

Breathing 'Beloved' Every Single Moment Of Living!!! Tum Shwaas Ho!...Tum Pass Ho!!...Tum Vishwaas Ho!!!
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